Panic Button

  • TEKTELIC’s Panic Button is a compact, mobile, wireless BLE panic button that transmits an emergency signal from any location. The Panic Button is ideal for lone workers, seniors, and children to signal for help in an emergency situation. When triggered, this device instantly sends an SOS message containing location details to designated support staff or security personnel to ensure a rapid response in the event of a panic situation. This device combines the long-range, low-power communication capabilities of LoRaWAN® with the universal availability and reliability of Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) to provide real-time location information. The Panic Button is seamlessly integrated with TEKTELIC’s end-to-end IoT solution.


Lone Worker Safety

Senior Care

Children Monitoring


Transmits Emergency Signal With Location Details

Data Transmission via LoRaWAN® and BLE

Small Form Factor for Diverse Deployments

10 Year Battery Life (2x Transmissions per Day)

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