Agriculture Sensor

  • The Agriculture Sensor is the ideal solution for streamlining and simplifying the collection of key soil and environmental metrics for crops, residential and commercial lawns and gardens, and golf courses. The device provides a straightforward and easy-to-deploy solution for monitoring soil moisture and temperature, air temperature and humidity, movement and orientation, and outdoor light. Enjoy increased crop yields and decreased operating expenses with the deployment of this versatile device. The Agriculture Sensor is optimal for use in even the most challenging outdoor environmental conditions. The device can operate in all global ISM bands, making it easily configured for deployment in all geographical regions. Multiple variants for diverse mounting options are available, including direct soil surface mount or elevated mounting on a post, fence or vine.


Precision Agriculture

Residential and Commercial Lawns and Gardens

Golf Courses


Soil Moisture and Temperature

Ambient Humidity and Temperature

Mounting Orientation Status

Movement or Orientation Change Detection

Light Detection and Measurement

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